About Me

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Hi everyone, thank you for visiting my blog! Let me tell you a bit about myself. First I'm a wife then a mother of two (a 5 & 1yr old). I love to share my experiences, thoughts, ideas, questions really just about everything, lol! I want to be a positive motivation by sharing what I go through. You never know what I'll post, believe me, sometimes I blow my own mind. Having children = never a dull moment. Through it all I try to take one day at time remembering to keep breathing through it all :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

    I watched this video on Facebook regarding teachers and I just had to give my two sense.
So now on to the video:

   The punishment for this is unreal. I agree with them should they be let go, yes I agree. We can judge them all we want but we have no idea what was going on. Here are a few things I thought of that can effect them. Now this is strictly based on my opinion.
   I'm not an expert in the education system but from what I see I think a few changes can be done. Example, my son is in the duel language program which we wanted him to get in but we've been to the meetings regarding the program and I still question a few things. From the beginning we were explained understanding Spanish wasn't the priority but for them to read and they would catch on. Well needless to say my son hasn't really " caught on"! To me this is a problem since it does reflect his report card. They advised to not worry about the grade because a second language is not easy to learn, I agree. He has reached the level required for the class so I don't necessarily stress about it but I've taken it into my own hands.
   Now our school isn't in a poverty area and it's a good district but there are problems. Every school does! All the kids have their own IPads in class, huh, I don't even remember seeing a computer in any of my elementary classes. He knows how to download apps and he has Skyped with other elementary kids in another state. Now a days we have to have some tech knowledge so him learning it in Kinder I like. I'd enjoying more paper & pencil time instead of using IPads. He did make and edit a video on his IPad which I thought was the coolest thing. That's right up his ally so I loved he has able to experience that at such an early age. Honestly even though it's nice for him to experience these things, are the necessary? I've spoken with other moms and their kids don't have IPad's in class and they are doing just fine! If I remember correctly one of the moms that's in the same district her child doesn't have a IPad to use. So could IPad time be time used to learn something in a different way. Like teaching kids in a different manner? Not all the kids learn the same and what if this was a situation these teachers were going through? I don't know what grade level these teachers are at but Pre- K and Kinder set the level for a child. I know a teacher at the high school level that has to go down to junior high level because kids are being pushed through.
    On to Social Media! Teachers are keeping up with their social media accounts and of course I want to see everything I can since I can't be in class with him but..... This can be a bit much for teachers to do. Do we even want to talk about their schedule? I joined the PTA so I've seen first hand the hours some teachers put in and I don't see how they do it sometimes. Don't have a weather day cause then you have to make it up. Really, why? Why can't teachers and students just have an extra day off? If the students fail because the had a couple of snow days then we need to evaluate the circular! Not all the teachers are the same,some will give more then others. These teachers could have felt overwhelmed for a number of reason! What about issues with parents, misbehaved kids and their own personal training they are required to do. Are these not topics to consider?
   Let's not even talk about the race issue with this video either, that's a whole other topic that I don't want to get on!
   With all this being said we don't know why this is going on but like in everything else there is always room for improvement! School districts need to consider what parents, teachers & school staff say about the everyday process. We also need to not always point to the teacher or school district but also look at the parents. We are a vital role in kids life and we must also stand up and take responsibility! My son is going to be 6 in about 2 weeks and he is in dual language class, gifted and talented and can read at almost a 2nd grade year in half grade level! Please don't take it as me gloating, I say it because before we had kids we knew our goal was for me to stay home with our kids. I have put in time with my son and this is why he is excelling in school. In Spanish it was, " Mom I need you to come to Spanish class because I don't understand." To " Mom that means ____." This is just from a few days making that second effort with him and trusting in God that he will begin to understand and absorb all he is learning. If these teachers get jail time for changing answers then they must speak out for the why's on their reasons and changes need to be made.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I've been gone but I'm back

    Wooo! It's been a while since I've been on here but everything should get better from here. I've had internet problems then computer problems and we just got everything resolved yesterday so I need to get back to blogging, I've missed it. We all blog for our own personal reasons but this has helped me more then anything. I gives me a voice in it's own way. I'm ready to get start motivating and inspiring in my way! Please email with any questions or topics, can't wait for those emails to begin pouring in....

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Monthly Goals...

It's March 1st and I really want to tighten up on my eating! March 28th we are doing the Color Run and I'm excited. I'm going to make my goal happen. We paid for the run today so I guess I have to make it happen now, right? 

This months goal is to focus strictly on my workouts! 
1) Cardio, cardio & cardio
2) Weights

I will also need to focus on my eating. I'll be meal planning tomorrow for the week.....  

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentines Day

Valentines Day, ugh no Valentines weekend! Greedy right?! Lol. We've had an amazing weekend & I don't like that it's over, it saddens me. We are going to be married for 12yrs so this year we didn't "go all out". I was scheduled to go in for a massage but I cancelled it. Yes, I know crazy. I just wanted to be with my family though. Friday we did are typical family movie night. We ordered pizza & got dessert. Saturday I got a pedi, took the kids to the park, watched a kids basketball game & got supper. Today, we watched a movie before church, then church, hubby bar-b-qued and I played with the boys while he did that. The kids absolutely loved being outside playing and watching dad que. By far this was the best Valentines! Last year I was so sick I had Pneumonia and Bronchiolitis! Thank God this year didn't play out the same. This year was simply perfect! It's not all about the flowers, chocolate or the big ole' stuff animals it's about showing love. Sometimes we get wrapped up and forget so show even tell the special people in your life you love them and Valentines is the best time to do it. Doing something special goes a long way vs buying them something expensive. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Goals for week of 2/9

   Last week I didn't make it to the gym since my baby boy wasn't feeling well then my oldest got Pink Eye. I workout in the mornings after I drop of the oldest and the hubby because this is the only time that would be convenient for us. I should workout at home but when the little one is awake it just won't be possible and once he's down for a nap I need to mentally rest to be able to continue on with my day!

Goals this week
Workout 3X
Cut coupons

To pray more
Make me time
Try sewing

The sewing machine has been a little intimidating to me but today I found something that needed to be sewn. Now it didn't turn out great but it also wasn't bad for my first time. The line wasn't straight but hey I sewed something, I'm proud!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

My child, my patients....

   I have been really having a hard time with our little one that I was at the point that I had no clue what to do! I was in tears Saturday because all I wanted to do was pull my hair out. He is completely different then our first that everything I currently do doesn't work. If you spank him he doesn't cry. You talk about time out, he puts himself in it. You talk to him and nothing. He takes his clothes off, takes off his diapers and throws them even if he has poop in them, he climbs out of his play pen, he hits his brother, the list can continue but I think you get the point. No matter what we say or what we do nothing! I'm with him all day every day so you can imagine how I can get to a breaking point. I woke up today with a whole other mind set though. God won't put more on us then we can bare. this helped have a better day today. I was talking to the hubby about how parents abuse their children (various ways), kill them or abdomen them because they just can't handle what a child gives out. Some of these parents have great children that do typical children things but some people want robots or something. God gave us Bud Bud because through it all we will make it. We've been through some hard times and one way or another we make it through. So God choose us to be this little boys parents because he knew we could handle it. Sometimes yes I want to pull my hair out, go get a drink or need time for myself but I will never leave my kids and will always be there for them.

I tell you this not for judgement but for encouragement. We all enjoying knowing that we are not the only ones going through a problem with our children. I know I do! When I talk to my girls and we exchange stories we have a sigh of relief and I want you to take your now. Our children are imperfect just as we are.