About Me

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Hi everyone, thank you for visiting my blog! Let me tell you a bit about myself. First I'm a wife then a mother of two (a 5 & 1yr old). I love to share my experiences, thoughts, ideas, questions really just about everything, lol! I want to be a positive motivation by sharing what I go through. You never know what I'll post, believe me, sometimes I blow my own mind. Having children = never a dull moment. Through it all I try to take one day at time remembering to keep breathing through it all :)
Showing posts with label Pastors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pastors. Show all posts

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A few thoughts on Church

Looking for a church is not easy. Being in an interracial relationship with children I look for a few things. 
Here's my personal list
1) I need a multiracial church
2) Non-denominational 
3) Laid back setting
4) Children's church
I love The Lord but honestly I don't always feel like going to church. That's why I make it a weekly goal so no matter what, I know I need to go. (my accountability) We've been to a few churches and seen a few things. If you start learning personal things about a Pastor does it make you have a different view on them or can you separate the two? Honestly it's hard for me to do it. A Pastors role is extremely crucial & should be taken serious and not as a money maker! I'm coming to you as a spiritual adviser and you need to live right. Yes, I know their human but come on, lets be real! We are all held accountable and a sin is a sin but do you feel they should have some form of higher standards? I do. If someone is doing something illegal do you want them telling you to get yourself right? What if they don't treat their spouse right? What if they live a double life? We can go on and on here. How do you handle when there are things you feel just ain't right? I'm in that situation. I like our Pastor but there is a Pastor at the church that I just don't know about. I do question a few things he speaks about. Man are called but few are chosen (Mat 22:14) the Bible also speaks of false prophets. I'm left puzzled when around him and I don't like that feeling. I struggle with the "You can't judge someone only God can." I'm not trying to judge him but I'm confused based on his preaching and a few things in his personal life. I need to pray that God will give me the direction to go in because this is beyond me. What are your thoughts?