A few weeks ago on a Wednesday night service the children had an evening of Build with Pastor Paul. They built bird houses and about 2 weeks afterward we were speaking with Pastor Paul and he explained how Mikey was so comfortable with a hammer he shouldn't be building birdhouses he should be building bookcases with him! We just laughed because that really is Mikey. He loves tools and always wants to help and build when ever he can. My grandfather was a builder so I immediately thought of him. I remember being with my grandmother and taking my grandfather lunch while he was working. He was always dirty, his clothes would have cement all over them. At one time my grandfather had his own construction company. So building is in my kids blood and I'd just love for one of them to take up an occupation in that field. My grandfather even built the house they lived in after theirs was destroyed by a hurricane. It always amazing me how the smallest comment or action can trigger new emotions or bring up old memories. I love and miss my grandfather and until I spoke with Pastor Paul, I kinda of just forgot about him. I know this sounds really bad but it's true. We go on with our everyday lives and sometimes just don't stop to relive great memories and share them with our loved ones here.
Here's a pic of my little ones from this morning...
@Lowes Build N Grow event |