Grace- (in Christian belief) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
* a divinely given talent or blessing
* the condition or fact of being favored by someone
Hope- a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen
Faith- complete trust or confidence in someone or something
Mercy- compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm
I try not to use the word Hope as much as I can because I feel I should have more Faith then anything. I know we have our own personally relationships with God but I've never meet someone that is so far left field. At first I didn't know how to digest it, I was so mind blown. There are times I get hit with something that truly boggles my mind and speaking with this person gave me a boggling moment. When can be a Holy Roller or churchy but sometimes sharing your story is a blessing in it self. I don't consider myself churchy but sometimes just breaking it down and being real will create a greater impact then giving scriptures. Knowing the bible is amazing but I don't know it. I can't quote the bible to save my life. Do I need to study so I can learn, yeah I do. But sometimes you just need to listen. Don't listen to judge but listen to help. Don't go around saying,"I'm a Christian." but don't act like it. I'm far from perfect but everyday is a new day and you can only try. Nothing in life is easy and being a Christian is no different!