About Me

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Hi everyone, thank you for visiting my blog! Let me tell you a bit about myself. First I'm a wife then a mother of two (a 5 & 1yr old). I love to share my experiences, thoughts, ideas, questions really just about everything, lol! I want to be a positive motivation by sharing what I go through. You never know what I'll post, believe me, sometimes I blow my own mind. Having children = never a dull moment. Through it all I try to take one day at time remembering to keep breathing through it all :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Getting back to my goals... wk of July 27th

I need accountability! There really is no way around it, I wish there was but I need that push. 

Here we go:

Workout 3X this week.
Clip my coupons. 
Meal plan (which I'm hoping to do right after this if my little stays asleep!) 
Sell/ Pack items to donate. 

That's all folks... I'm keeping it short since I'm going to try to get back on this game. Next month (ooh, that's this weekend, yikes) I will get back on my monthly goals. I know there are a few things I'd like to accomplish like sewing! Yeah, I still haven't sewn anything since I've got my machine. There is something just wrong about that! I appreciate it greatly but just haven't done anything, I'm a little embarrassed.  

Ok, so I decided to stop doing this and look to see what we have for food for the week. 
Here's my list:

Cereal (Almighty faithful) 
Toaster strudel

Mac N Cheese

Apple Sauce
Fresh Fruit
PB & J sandwich

Roast (this was last nights supper) 
Pork Chops (tonight's supper) 
Taco Salad
Chicken (Grilled or baked chicken strips, that's what I 'm thinking) 
Ground beef  (not to sure what to make with this yet, maybe enchiladas, mmm) 


This isn't set in the daily stone but it's something, lol. I took pork chops out but soup and salad sounds good, so I may change it..... Having a food plan ready helps save money by not getting a headache trying to figure out what your having for the day. When I make a list I tend to use whatever I have in the kitchen. :) Have a great week and set your goals! Happy planning... 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Through sickness and health....

  Sitting here on our 12yr anniversary watching a movie made me think back of a low point in my life.  

   I was in the hospital from just having birth when we realized I wasn't able to move part of my leg. I went through physical therapy, prayed like I had never prayed before, cried, embarrassment, sadness, anger, frustration; just a roller coaster of emotions! I even told me husband to leave me. It wasn't something I wanted but it was something I felt I needed to let him know. When you marry someone it's for better or worse through sickness and health but when your in the situation it's a different story. You don't want you spouse to have to do everything. Being an adult but feeling like a child is the worst. My husband did it all by himself for two months before I was able to get back to me. I'll say those two months were the hardest times of my life. At the same time those two months were the hardest I ever fought for something! I fought to get back to me. I fought to be able to walk with my kids at the park. To run with them. To walk with my husband & be able to hold his hand. To drive myself. To go to the grocery store and not be in a wheelchair and have people stare at me like I'm contagious. To be what we have grown up to know as normal! It took everything in me to not lose faith and keep working daily towards my goal. 

   Being disabled in any form for a short period time or permanently you'll never understand the feelings a person goes through unless you've been there. In this movie the main character has ALS which in no way am I comparing my self to but a few things she went through made me reflect on some of those feeling. No matter what happened my husband never walked out or left me and on this anniversary I couldn't help but just reminisce on our past. To my hubby I luv you and thank you for everything you do for not only me but our family, we luv you baby!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Those pesky things are children do...

   Now this may be only my children but I doubt it. Okay, I really don't know but I'm hoping you can relate! My children seem to have the habits I dislike the most from my hubby! I mean seriously, they do. At first I was like, "Oh wow they do ____ just like you!" Or it was "Oh my goodness ____ just ____ like you!" Some of those "things" annoy me like no other but others I think it's just adorable. The mixed feelings are crazy though. Some stuff my children see their dad do or hear their dad say but others they don't. So this had me thinking," Where do they get this from?" Right. Have you ever asked yourself the same thing?

But..... No matter what we still love them! The things that will drive you crazy, to argue, or just get under your skin from your spouse you don't take that serious from your children.

Then just a while ago it hit me like lighting... God designed marriage a certain way. Marriage is suppose to last forever, no divorce. (There are only a few exceptions.) So if we can get over what our children do that they inherited, why can't we get over the same things when our spouse does them? Love has no record of wrong, now it may only be me but boy do I remember.... (one of my flaws)

Just a thought....

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Judgement of others...

  Last week I went to my first Women's Bible study. Actually more like my first Bible study ever! Wow, reality just hit me.Can you believe it, I'm 33 and this was my first Bible study. Church and me haven't always gotten along but we have a better relationship now. On to what we studied........
We know God has laid out a few do's and don't (sin) but there are also a few things that can cause confusion. I know I'm not the only one that gets confused or have been in a few open discussions regarding some edgy topics. The do's and don't that have been given to us are black and white but there are so many gray area. What are gray areas? Basically everything else. We studied Romans Chapter 14 to have a better understanding of this gray area. 
   Romans 14 discusses judgement on people and peoples downfalls (sin). It's extremely easy to put our two sense in and sometimes it crosses the line to judgement. As Christians this is something we have to be leery of.  Christians get a bad wrap a lot because we say or do something that is contradicting to what are beliefs are suppose to be. Let me explain a little. Let's use social media since it's the biggest thing right now. We may post on Facebook (FB); "Oh God has blessed me so much, Thank God but F you for hating on me! You get the picture. What is a person suppose to think? Are you not contradicting? Who are you? Are you a God fearing person or the person that lives their life as they please? Then you get upset when a person doesn't respect your beliefs. Can you blame them? With all that to think about lets move to another side of things. We shouldn't judge others. That's pretty simple, right? What about judging their lifestyle? Now this is a different story! Here is a gray area. Your friend likes to go out and drink but intakes a few too many and becomes a different person. Or maybe your friend sleeps around. When you are trying to live on God's path would it be in your best interest to hang out with these type of friends? This is when judging their lifestyle comes into place. This is where its ok to judge. You have to look into your surroundings and find out what is best for you and your walk with God. 
  Everybody has their own weakness and we have to be aware of this. If someone has a drinking problem should we drink in front of them or offer them a drink? No, you shouldn't. This will go for any issue that is a weakness for someone or for yourself. Defining what is right or wrong can be different in each persons eyes. Personally I drink, not a lot but one every 2-3 months or even as long as every 6 months. is drinking bad for me? No! One drink is all I need and I don't get drunk. For someone that can't control themselves while drinking it would be wrong for this person ( a sin) because it causes them to fall in something that God has defined as a sin. Black and white is easy, well it should be but now a days people are still trying to make those grey. Guess what, they're not gray and we need to keep those black and white and focus on the gray area. Remember what your beliefs are, live them to the best you can and stand for what you believe in!! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Step out...

   Today I stepped out of my comfort zone in a big way and I'm glad I did. Our oldest didn't start going to the movies until he was about fours yr old,  I wanted to take him prior to that but never took the chance. Our BudBud usually doesn't stay still for more then a few minutes if we're lucky 30 minutes only if it's his favorite movie, Rio! Our oldest goes to the movies with dad but baby and me get the privilege of staying home, boooo.
   Trying to keep my oldest occupied for the summer I decided to take them to the movies by myself!!!! I was full of worry and fear, no lie. Our little one is wanting to be so much like this brother that we've had to change the way we do things with him. He's so different then our oldest that sometimes I'm completely confused on what to do. We walked in with no stroller and headed to the restroom. We had to get the restroom break out of the way so we wouldn't have to leave in the middle of the movie, that's no fun. After that was taken care of , off to the concession stand it was. The line was taking a bit longer then the boys wanted to wait so the oldest took the little one to a nearby coin machine, then on to the game area. Without my better judgement I said they could go. They started coming back by the time I was done getting our Icee and popcorn. This frugal mommy also packed water and candy in our bag, hehe, shh don't tell no one. Hey, I'm not about to pay $3/$4 for water or candy, no I'm not!
   We walk into the theater and I'm thinking it would be slightly empty but boy was I wrong. The theater got about half full, at that point I got really nervous as I know how BudBud can behave. When he wants to he will be loud, he'll throw things, start yelling, or crying for not getting his way. My son!   BudBud is on the short side so he was having a hard time seeing over the front chair so off to find a booster seat. We got him a seat and now for his snacks. This momma took a small bowl so they wouldn't fight over the popcorn tub so a little popcorn in his bowl and the drink in between them, so far off to a great start. One thing about movies is there are way too many commercials, they need to cut those down in children's movies. Just a thought, kids don't have a long attention span just in case they didn't know! The commercials seemed to last forever then finally the movie....
  We watched Home which was great for our oldest but not very entertaining for the little one. About an hour into it he started being a wiggle worm, oh no. He sat with me, walked in the aisle, sat with me, sat in his seat, sat with me, you can tell how it went :0 I knew he was tired so I tried rocking him while he was with me but he didn't fall asleep :( Finally the movie was over and my anxiety level dropped, yeah for me. Once the dim lights were turned on the search was on for BudBud's cup, yep in the middle of the movie he threw it! By the time we left the popcorn, ICEE and half the candy was gone.
   I was so proud I took the chance taking them out and doing something I wouldn't normally do. I was also proud of my BudBud for lasting as long as he did. Lately it's really been hitting me that my baby/ baby boy is not really a baby :( I don't like this, he is growing so fast and even though I'm with him on a daily basis I still feel as I'm missing out. Do you ever feel the same? I know I'm doing what I can and doing it to the best of my ability but realty is, kids grow right in front of our eyes and there is nothing we can do but love, remember and live in the moments and memories we create.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What vacation taught me :0

   So the day after school ended we planned our vacation to begin so early Friday morning we were up loading the car, getting us feed and packing last minutes items and off to San Antonio (S.A.) we headed... This was our first vacation & I couldn't have been more excited! When we didn't have kids ever year we'd drive up to the DFW metroplex and be here for a year. This was our vacation and we enjoyed it. We wouldn't do anything for a week; we wouldn't answer calls, no shopping, eat out (uhh huh, yummy) and enjoying Christmas & New Years. After we had our first we moved to DFW so vacation really was never on our mind since we love being here. But, my hubby's family is still in Corpus and we hadn't visited in 3 yrs so vacation was planned. Our first stop was in S. A. and we stayed with family there. Everything went pretty well as we didn't have much time to spend there. We got there Friday afternoon/ early evening. We went grocery shopping (to help save on money), cooked supper then it was off to bed. Bed was already about 11pm and I fell asleep quickly. Saturday it was up and cooking again then off we went. We visited with a friend, saw the Alamo and saw the Riverwalk. Just because it's summer doesn't mean we don't to have walk a bit and get some form of History in us, right?  Lol.  
   Sunday came around and off to Corpus Christi (CC) we went. Our first stop was to Family Life Church, our home church when we lived there. Awesome Pastor and First Lady there, highly suggested church if your visiting or looking for a home church. Once we left it was visiting time for us! We loved visiting with our family and meeting a few new family members. We took our babies to the beach and showed them some of your favorite restaurants, where we lived and few other things. While we were there my BudBud also had his birthday come up. It was last minute but this momma made it happen! On out last day which was his birthday we enjoyed a little birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, woo hoo! We had such a great time hanging with family playing games. It was really cute how the kids wanted to play the same games or how they'd fight over what ever they were playing. We had such a ball with the few things we did.
   On the flip side of all these things there were also a few downs.  First as stated above it's been three years since we've been to C.C. so I was looking for growth. Unfortunately, I didn't see it. The park that was known as Cole Park was redone which was nice but the restrooms need to be updated and a splash pad would've been nice. There is a splash pad further down the street which we didn't make it to but here there are splash parks in more then just one area in the same town! Corpus needs to grow in a way that is also beneficial to the people. Opening new restaurants, stores and theme parks is beneficial to the city!  They are making money but what about people that want a cheaper option? Having splash pads are a great option for parents that don't want to always go to a water park or for parents that can't financial afford it. What about having a few different parks? Not just a park but some nice parks that your kids will actually enjoy. The biggest thing I learned though is to not expect anything different then what you know! Some things/ people never change. I saw a lot on this trip and not all of it was all peachy. Our flesh wants to talk about people but we shouldn't but sometimes our flesh takes over. Okay, maybe it's just mine!
   First; be a person of your word. Second; get out your comfort zone. Third; think about others. I'm not perfect in any way and I mess up on a daily basis , no joke but everyday is a new day! You can't give up or not try just because. If you say something try to hold your end of the deal, it's not fair to any party involved to not do so. Like always you have to watch who you count on. God will always be there and he should be the one you go to first. But being imperfect as we are, sometimes we let our emotions take over and it gets the best of us. Once your emotions take over it effects you in more ways then one.....