About Me

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Hi everyone, thank you for visiting my blog! Let me tell you a bit about myself. First I'm a wife then a mother of two (a 5 & 1yr old). I love to share my experiences, thoughts, ideas, questions really just about everything, lol! I want to be a positive motivation by sharing what I go through. You never know what I'll post, believe me, sometimes I blow my own mind. Having children = never a dull moment. Through it all I try to take one day at time remembering to keep breathing through it all :)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

I watched the below video and as I was taping a book that my son tore it hit me.

(Please watch video prior to reading the post) 


 As children we believe, trust & love our parents unconditionally! Even when are parents do wrong as children we don't always know it's wrong until we're told it is. As adults that's when we start making the choice to continue the relationship or not. Regardless of what some parents do their child/children always love them, right? 

Think about it. We are always there for them when they need us. We still think about them. We still love them. No, we may not always like their decisions but we still love them. They are human so in turn then they are imperfect, right? 

Now let's think about this. What is God to us? Yes, I said us. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Is he not our Heavenly Father? Why can't we love him unconditionally? Why can't we believe what he tells us? Why do we choose to question him? Why do we get mad at him and stop going to him? (Praying)  Why can't we stay on Faith St. when his word has been proven over and over again?

If you're a parent what does your child have to do to you that will make you turn your back on him/her? Like I tell me oldest now, "Always be honest with me even though I may get mad". I may get upset, be disappointed, or embarrassed but at the end of the day he's still me son and I will always love and be there for him.

What do you think you can do that will make God stop loving you and make him go back on his word. Remember, he's not like us. He's not human, he perfect. It is us that are imperfect. So what he can do we can't! For us forgiveness and letting things go can be the hardest things we do. Not for him though. Stay on Faith St. and continue asking and believing in his word!!   

Monday, January 4, 2016

My 2016 goal....

   So it's the new year and most people make New Years resolutions. So did you? I did! Maybe not really a resolution but I've made my year goal. Before we go any further I'd like to start off my saying that I don't like selfish people but everything I'm about to say is going to sounds exactly like what I don't like. So I apologize in advance but my blog is called Just Being Priss and I'm about to be just Priss! 
   So first and for most I'd like to start off by saying that as a women we've already begun having a lot on your plate! No I'm not a feminist okay maybe a little bit but hear me out. Due to having only one car I drop off my son & husband every morning. So every morning I start off my day by driving about 40 minutes. From there I never really know where my day is going to take me. My son has speech therapy so everything has to be scheduled around that. And just like you having to take your children or yourself to the doctor, I'm making doctor appointments, keeping tabs on referrals, making sure my babies don't run out of medicine and everything else that comes with health. I'm taking care of the home and trying to balance parenthood and personal time. Since I don't work (outside the home) I don't care about getting my hair done, buying clothes or anything like that! The last time I got a pedicure was in February and its been about a year since I've gotten my haircut by someone professional! Well, can I consider myself a professional since I've done it a few times? Yeah your right I can't, booooo! When I do buy myself something it's usually something small & basic. I always put my family first and extended myself to the max. I'm involved in PTA & my sons DI team. I'll stay up as long as I as I have to, to get what I need done and sleep a few hours and get up and do it again. Here comes a little TMI so you may want to skip through, I'll understand. Sometimes I'm in such a rush I forget to put on deodorant! I end up going the whole day until I remember, thank God I don't get smelly fast! Most of the times my toes aren't done, no biggie right? Well I use to have my feet done all the time. That's one body part that I  love and I use to take pride in them, yeah not so much anymore. Hair, do we need to talk about this? Probably not but I am. My hair is always in a pony tail with my baby hair sticking out. Baby hair no real big issue, but I have a hard time taming them. The problem is I love having my hair straight, that's when I feel good about myself. 
   With all that said I go back to my resolution. I want to put myself first! I want to be a tad bit selfish. I want to balance parenthood, my job (our home) and taking care of myself like I took care of myself before kids. Do I see this as wrong, no I don't! I need to be confident in myself and a simple thing as having my toes done and my hair straightened will do it for me. I'm not high maintenance, actually I see myself as simple. I love simple though so this works for me. It may not work for you but that's you and this is me. Call me selfish and for right now I'm okay with that!Why, because this is my goal! This is for me and for once I need to take a little more time out of the day to be concerned for myself :) 

What is your goal/ resolution this year? 

Friday, November 27, 2015

What I was thankful for this Thanksgiving....

It's been aver 2 months since I've written anything and it seems longer then that. Time goes by way to fast! But, on to my post. Yesterday being Thanksgiving I wanted to write about being thankful.

I posted on Facebook yesterday that I was grateful for God and tonight I'd like to elaborate on it. When the holiday season comes around it's a time I consider working to get a little time away from the kids and for some extra income. My husband tells me it's up to me but I never make the step and put in an application. Yesterday shortly after noon it hit me. I could've been getting ready to work since most stores open on Thanksgiving for Black Friday. It brought tears to my eyes to think what God has done for us. He has given me a husband that supports me in the decision to stay home with our babies and be here for them. He works as much as he can to provide for us and even though at times we may struggle God always comes through right on time. We get blessed at the most unexpected times with the exact items we need. I mean wow, how amazing is that? He has blessed me with two amazing, healthy, loving kids. They drive me every day to be the best me I can me. I'm not perfect in anyway and I mess up on a daily basis but my family still loves me! How great is that feeling? He has blessed me with a mother that even though we may not always see eye to eye she is still here doing whatever she can do for my family. Some of you have everything I have and much more so you may not be able tor elate. Then others may not have what I have but only pray/ wish for them, don't give on your prayers! I may not be rich to society but I'm highly blessed from God and that's more important to me. He has given all of us so much and I'm not just speaking about my family. I'm speaking of you and your family too.

Let's not forget what we have on a daily basis as it can be taken from us in a blink of an eye. Don't forget your blessings and lets give thanks to our almighty God! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Compassion Experience

Dolls she made out of mud.
If you've never heard of this you should check it out. I was scrolling through Facebook and saw this event was coming to my area so I decided we needed to check it out once I looked over the information. We talk to our oldest about how other kids can live but we all know that explaining something and seeing it are two different things! Here are a few pics. The first pictures are from the story of Yannely. A young girl sharing her story of poverty and her struggles from not having a dad to not being able to graduate school. The sacrifices her mother did to make her dreams come true. But through this sponsorship she found GOD, had a mentor and achieved her dreams!


Letters she would get from her sponsor. 
Her room
Her diploma. 

Yannely as an adult. 

His mother's Moonshine. 

Here are pics from the second story we saw. It was about a young boy named Jey who's mom sold liquor and illegal substances to make money. Due to an incident she wasn't unable to continue selling  these items which forced them to move with his grandmother. He spoke how 13( I think it was 13) people lived in one house, how the little ones got to sleep on the one mattress they had and the older ones just found a spot on the floor. He went to jail at the age of 9 but when released he found the Compassion program and how his life changed. As an adult he was unemployed and turned to what he knew, music! He spreads GOD word the way he knows how my being a Christian DJ. Here are his pics...     

The one mattress for everyone!

Food for 13 people. 


Both stories were truly remarkable and heart wrenching. Both stories were similar yet completely different. Seeing replicas of what they had, where they lived, how they lived, and hearing the story in their voice is what touches your heart. Both our kids went even though the youngest had no clue what was going on. (he's 2) Our oldest (6) was able to understand it a lot it better. *Side note* This is a sponsorship program which allows you to sponsor a child.

**Sorry for the pics, I was having trouble getting them on here correctly**

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Goals for the week of Sept. 1st

Long time no posting huh? 

I don't have many goals this week or month but never the less I still have some. 

1) Work out 3x this week. 
2) Cut coupons. 
3) Write down finances. 
4) Sell a few items. (baby items) 

1) Make a braclet. 
2) Sew something, anything, everything, lol! 
3) Eat lunch with my daddy 3X this month. 
4) Learn more about nutrition. 

What's on your goal list for this week or month or even your year? 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

It's in the genes...

   A few weeks ago on a Wednesday night service the children had an evening of Build with Pastor Paul. They built bird houses and about 2 weeks afterward we were speaking with Pastor Paul and he explained how Mikey was so comfortable with a hammer he shouldn't be building birdhouses he should be building bookcases with him! We just laughed because that really is Mikey. He loves tools and always wants to help and build when ever he can. My grandfather was a builder so I immediately thought of him. I remember being with my grandmother and taking my grandfather lunch while he was working. He was always dirty, his clothes would have cement all over them. At one time my grandfather had his own construction company. So building is in my kids blood and I'd just love for one of them to take up an occupation in that field. My grandfather even built the house they lived in after theirs was destroyed by a hurricane. It always amazing me how the smallest comment or action can trigger new emotions or bring up old memories. I love and miss my grandfather and until I spoke with Pastor Paul, I kinda of just forgot about him. I know this sounds really bad but it's true. We go on with our everyday lives and sometimes just don't stop to relive great memories and share them with our loved ones here.

Here's a pic of my little ones from this morning...

@Lowes Build N Grow event