About Me

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Hi everyone, thank you for visiting my blog! Let me tell you a bit about myself. First I'm a wife then a mother of two (a 5 & 1yr old). I love to share my experiences, thoughts, ideas, questions really just about everything, lol! I want to be a positive motivation by sharing what I go through. You never know what I'll post, believe me, sometimes I blow my own mind. Having children = never a dull moment. Through it all I try to take one day at time remembering to keep breathing through it all :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


  What are thoughts? Do you believe in blessings or do you see it as luck? Is it having a drive for something and your hard work paying off? I believe our answer will be based on your faith,  let me explain. Not everyone's belief in God is the same so if you don't believe in God I would say your answer will be, "I work hard so this is why I have what I have." Maybe if you've known God but have drifted away or have just denied him it may be,"  I'm lucky!" When you believe in God you'll say," I'm blessed." These are just my opinions so please don't bash me.  There's also the people that say, "We're blessed!", but don't necessarily live the lifestyle even though they know God.  What's your view? Luck, right place at the right time, blessing, hard work, etc?
  So many things to talk about.... Negative but true, positive, gossip, motivating, uplifting, drama etc etc. Do you like getting all the juicy details or would you rather not know? Do you watch the news to know what's going on? Is there a radio show or tv personality that is your go to? What about your social media news? Do you have to be in the know at all times?
  Personally watching the news isn't always my cup of tea. They are their to pass information along but most of the time I seem to start worrying about something new! Is this only me? With phones now you don't need the news, FB can replace news. With apps you can check your weather, traffic, have music and so on. ( too many things to name)
  Now, with all that we have do you feel as if we are losing touch with society? I don't need to call anyone I can just look at FB, to learn more about them you can follow them on Instagram or Pintrest. I don't remember most peoples numbers or email address because there are so many others ways to get in contact with people. Are you obsessed with your phone so you can stay in "touch"? I'll say this when I don't have my phone I feel "naked", yikes, lol! I know I'm not the only one, lol,  lets be honest :) Or are you ok to be out of touch so you can just enjoy life?

Monday, September 8, 2014

  This is our 3rd week of school and Mikey is still excited. Last Thursday we had Information Night and it was interesting. The teachers went over how the Dual-Language program will work and how students are graded. The 1st week of school all children were assessed and we were advised Mikey has a reading & comprehension level of a mid year 1st grader. Due to this he was able to start participating in both classes. Children have Social Studies in Spanish and when they are in Spanish class they are required to speak to their teacher in only Spanish. I think it's a little harsh but on the other hand I understand pushing a child. If I didn't push Mikey he wouldn't be where he's at now! The children are in groups in their main class and have "buddies" in Spanish class. If they don't know how to communicate in Spanish class they are instructed to ask their buddy. Mikey is not necessarily excited about it so we have to work on that, lol. Right now he loves Monday's as its library day and he keeps talking about the chickens the school is getting.
  Are morning routines are pretty good but Mikey is getting a little slow with his wake up. He is not really morning person. He got that from me, hehe.  Shhh, don't tell no one. I'm starting to become a morning person and I don't like it!
  What are some of the things going on in your childs school? Do you do PTA or do you volunteer? Is your child liking school so far?

Goals for 9/8

Alright here are the goals: 

Weekly Goals 
1) Start walking
2) Continue working on schedule (balance of Mikey in school, workout schedule, cleaning, etc)
3) Go to church on Sunday

Monthly Goals 
1) I still need to lose 5 lbs for the month of September ( I gained 2 lbs in the last two weeks but I still want to get out of this weight loss runt)
2) Work on prayer life
3) Be a blessing 

I don't have many goals this time but I know this will change by next month. Since Mikey started school it has been a big change. Last week also didn't go as planned and I'm still coping with that. 

Let me know your goals and lets support each other. 
It's Monday!!! What are your plans for the week? I had goals every week & I got away from that but I'm gonna get back on it, so goals will be posted today. Get you goals ready... 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Launch Off..

 Today is the day I bring this blog of life. I'm extremely excited, nervous, and just full of emotions.  When you put yourself out there you open a big door. Keeping this to myself is safe as I'm the only one that views it. On FB I was putting my weight loss, monthly & weekly goals. Personally I would say that I've motivated people but I want to do it on a grander scale! I'm imperfect but I want to help others get through whatever they're going through. If I can help someone laugh through their moment by laughing at me, it's ok. Don't expect me to always be proper, spell correctly, be politically correct or anything in that sense as its not me. My blog name is very simple but its real. This is going to be about my life so even though it may not be catchy it will be me being me. Jump on the bandwagon and hold on :)