About Me

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Hi everyone, thank you for visiting my blog! Let me tell you a bit about myself. First I'm a wife then a mother of two (a 5 & 1yr old). I love to share my experiences, thoughts, ideas, questions really just about everything, lol! I want to be a positive motivation by sharing what I go through. You never know what I'll post, believe me, sometimes I blow my own mind. Having children = never a dull moment. Through it all I try to take one day at time remembering to keep breathing through it all :)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

My child, my patients....

   I have been really having a hard time with our little one that I was at the point that I had no clue what to do! I was in tears Saturday because all I wanted to do was pull my hair out. He is completely different then our first that everything I currently do doesn't work. If you spank him he doesn't cry. You talk about time out, he puts himself in it. You talk to him and nothing. He takes his clothes off, takes off his diapers and throws them even if he has poop in them, he climbs out of his play pen, he hits his brother, the list can continue but I think you get the point. No matter what we say or what we do nothing! I'm with him all day every day so you can imagine how I can get to a breaking point. I woke up today with a whole other mind set though. God won't put more on us then we can bare. this helped have a better day today. I was talking to the hubby about how parents abuse their children (various ways), kill them or abdomen them because they just can't handle what a child gives out. Some of these parents have great children that do typical children things but some people want robots or something. God gave us Bud Bud because through it all we will make it. We've been through some hard times and one way or another we make it through. So God choose us to be this little boys parents because he knew we could handle it. Sometimes yes I want to pull my hair out, go get a drink or need time for myself but I will never leave my kids and will always be there for them.

I tell you this not for judgement but for encouragement. We all enjoying knowing that we are not the only ones going through a problem with our children. I know I do! When I talk to my girls and we exchange stories we have a sigh of relief and I want you to take your now. Our children are imperfect just as we are.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Goals for week of Feb 2nd...

Workout 3X this week
Clip coupons

Learn about essential oils
Keep focused on 5K

Last month I didn't look into oils but I I'd like to start learning slowing. Living healthy is a lifestyle and a choice. I don't eat organic as it's a little too pricey for me but I try to buy natural and make healthy choices as much as I can. There is a lot to learn about oils and eating healthy and that's why it's a lifestyle!If you don't make it a lifestyle then you'll stop and be ok with it. If you have any tips, suggestions, or ideas please share. Sharing is Caring :)            

Meal planning for this week Feb 2nd

Another week same thing...

This weeks meal will be
Rice & Beans w/ cornbread (we ate this tonight)
Pizza w/ salad
Pork Lion
Eating out

Cereal (we eat this everyday, absolutely love it) 

Left overs
Ramen noodles
Mac N Chesse

I'll be grocery shopping this Sunday so next week should have more of a variety. Besides breakfast, what can I say we love cereal! Let me know your meals. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Goals or week of Jan 19th

   I'm gonna start off my being honest. I haven't been completing my goals and I'm a bit bummed. Working out just hasn't happened for me but I'm going to try my hardest to make a difference this week! 

So as for as my goals 
1) I switched my electric company
2) Switched my internet provider

Those are the only goals I completed, smh. 

This weeks goals
1) I'd enjoy working out 2x
2) Try a sewing project
3) Clip my coupons

Small this week but effective :) 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Meal planning for week of 1/12

   I tend to stay up late on the weekends which is my time. So this past Friday I decided to reorganize ( more like clean out)  the pantry/ kitchen. I looked in cabinets and got rid of stuff that didn't belong here (meaning gave mom her stuff back),  threw stuff away, and got a few items to give away. While doing that I found items I forgot about, lol, who else has done that?  

All of these meals are based on what we have at home right now

Pancakes/ Waffles

Left overs
PB&J sandwiches

Chicken Tortilla soup ( I actually made this Saturday with beans, it was supper for Sat & Sun)  
Grilled Chicken w/ mashed potatoes
Wolf Brand Chili
Rice and Beans w/ corn bread
Pork lion
Chicken w/ cream of mushroom

Good morning... Goal time

Okay so it's not really morning, more like afternoon. (it's 1:37 pm) Whew,  writing to me is a way to let it go and I'm enjoying it. It's Goal Monday so lets go. 

Cut coupons
Workout 2x this week
Switch electric companies

Focus on 5K training
Learn about essential oils 

Continue with meal planning
Work on Credit Report

Not too much this week as you can see. I'm trying to have fewer goals as I'm trying to learn to not overwhelm myself which then turns into disappointment. 

Post yours so we can support each other....